About Patty

Patty Jaramillo takes her role in working with clients very seriously. With an extensive background in the financial services industry, Patty knows the importance of delivering knowledgeable service to every client of our firm. Our clients can rely on Patty to return their calls before the end of the business day – even if she doesn’t have the answer yet – so they know she is working on a resolution to their issue.

Patty brings over twenty years of experience in our industry, and her passion for creating an environment where clients are welcomed and believe they can trust our firm is obvious in her level of commitment to Carson Wealth.

When Patty is away from the office, she and her family love hopping in the car for road trips, playing board games, and watching movies together as a family.

Favorite food:


Favorite book:

The Secret by Rhonda Bryne

Favorite movie:

Dirty Dancing and all the Twilight Movies

Favorite TV show

Beverly Hills 90210

What motivates you:

My Family

Favorite holiday:


Name something on your bucket list:


Place you’d most like to visit:

Bora Bora

Biggest Accomplishment:

My Kids