
Five Reasons Your IRA is Deflating, and What to Do About It

By Craig Lemoine, Director of Consumer Investment Research Stocks, bonds and mutual funds have had a rocky start to the year. The S&P 500, a broad measure of the United States stock market, was down 4.6% over the first quarter. Mutual funds holding stocks and bonds have also lost value. …
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What True Wealth Means to Me

Published by Jason Comes | @Jason_Comes Wealth…What does it mean to you?  I ask this to clients and get many different answers.  It means different things to different people. One client said they didn’t think they were in the category of “wealth” as they thought you had t …

Beneficiary Designation – Yes, It’s Important!

Published by Teresa Milner There is a very important aspect of your life that you need to plan: beneficiary designations. Keeping your beneficiary designations up to date so your assets go to the loved ones you choose is an important aspect of your planning which is often ignored and/or overlooked. 

Opportunity Through Insight

People’s opinion of a company’s future potential is a key factor upon which the stock market is built. Therefore, as an analyst, it is important to not only understand the fundamentals and the strategy of companies in which you are looking to invest,

People Are Your Best Investment

Time… The thing everyone wants that none of us are able to produce. Time is possibly the most precious of commodities that we can possess. Time is the great equalizer; it cares not how rich or poor we are nor our social status.

Having the Conversation

The only thing worse than having a conversation about long-term care is not having a conversation about long-term care. A close friend of mine is currently faced with this issue as he grapples with his mom’s recovery from a recent medical incident.

Are You a Conservative Investor?

Published by Jake Bleicher and Ron Carson Conservative investments are often associated with lower portfolio expected returns. The investment community has been indoctrinated with the notion that risk and return are correlated in a linear function.
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8 Legitimate Tax Loopholes You May Be Missing

8 Legitimate Tax Loopholes You May Be Missing

As you reflect on the past year in preparation to meet with your accountant, consider these loopholes that may help you dodge the taxman.

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